La French Tech

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The Epicenter of Europe’s Innovation

Since Brexit, Paris has emerged as best positioned to attract talents and capital from Europe. Paris has become the EU’s No.1 financial trading hub. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has more than tripled its local headcount since the Brexit vote. Bank of America Corp. has gone from 83 staff in 2017 to about 500 now.

But that is only half the story. Paris has all the right assets in place to attract, develop and grow startup and scale-up businesses, whether originating from or landing in the country. The government, investors and the general ecosystem all align to offer these businesses the optimal conditions for their international success.

Resources & Economic Conditions

Currently, France has the 6th overall world economy. Their geographic position allows for quick access to the rest of Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. French is the 5th most spoken language in the world, with 274 million speakers. It is also the 3rd largest language for business and the 4th on the Internet.

France is fertile ground for startups in general

About 50% of the French population between the ages of 25-34 has graduated with a higher education. In 2015, 33,500 new engineers graduated, and as of 2017, there are 1 million Engineers in France. France ranks 6th in the world when it comes to financing R&D and is in 1st position for offering tax advantage on these investments.

On-going tax and social improvements

Beginning in 2017 and through 2022, the corporate tax rate will decrease gradually from 33% to 25%. While that is still a high rate, it is the price for quality and potential. For the start-ups with the Young Innovate Companies certification label, a total exemption from income tax for 1 year is possible. For 7 years, a partial exemption from social charges of people who are devoted to R&D is also offered.

Available help for innovators

In France, there is help available especially for innovators and entrepreneurs. According to the Ministry of Research, the following types of assistance are available:

  • Help for the Creation of Innovative Enterprises: i-Lab competition,Assistance for the Maturation of Innovative Projects

  • From the Government: the Innovation Tax Credit

  • From the BPI: (Banque Publique d’Investissement): Participatory

  • Seeding Loans, Aid for the Development of Innovation

  • From Initiative France & Réseau Entreprendre: Honorary Loan

AircallCRMaircall.io11 Rue Saint-GeorgesIXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $225.6m
AlanHealth InsureTechalan.com117 Quai de ValmyXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $363.9m
BackMarketMarketplacebackmarket.com154 Boulevard MacdonaldXIXᵉᵐᵉ
BlabacarCar Sharingblablacar.comRue Saint SabinXIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $563.5m
CoinHouseCryptocoinhouse.com35 Rue du caireIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $8.2m
DeezerMusic Streamingdeezer.com24 rue de CalaisIXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $531.8m
Ebaye-commerceebay.com21 rue de la BanqueIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
efoundersVC/Acceleratorefounders.com9 Rue Ambroise ThomasIXᵉᵐᵉNumber of exits: 5
GoogleTech Titangoogle.com8 Rue de LondresIXᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
HappnDatinghappn.com8 Rue du SentierIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $22m
LaCantineIncubatorlacantine.coPassage des PanoramasIIᵉᵐᵉ
Leboncoine-commerceleboncoin.fr22 rue des JeuneursIIᵉᵐᵉAcquired
LedgerCrypto Infrastructure and Securityledger.com1 Rue du MailIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $468m
LydiaP2P Paymentlydia-app.com36 rue du SentierIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $159.6m
MeeroComputer Visionmeero.com18, rue du Quatre septembreIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $293.4m
MetaSocial Titanfacebook.com6 Rue MénarsIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
Microsoft AcceleratorVC/Acceleratorm12.vc6 rue du SentierIIᵉᵐᵉNumber of exits: 22
NumaIncubatornuma.co170 Bd de la VilletteXIXᵉᵐᵉNumber of exits: 26
OctoberFintechoctober.eu94 rue de la VictoireIXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $611.9m
Partech ShakerAcceleratorpartechshaker.com33 rue du MailIIᵉᵐᵉAUM
PayFitHR techpayfit.com1 rue de Saint-PétersbourgVIIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $208.4m
PaypalPaymentpaypal.com21 rue de la BanqueIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
PlanityBeauty Techplanity.com5 Rue Saint-FiacreIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $55.7m
PumpkinP2P Paymentpumpkin-app.co1 rue de MetzXᵉᵐᵉ
QontoFintechqonto.com20 B Rue La FayetteIXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $151.5m
RakutenAdTechrakuten.com92 rue RéaumurIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
ShadowCloud Computingshadow.tech151, Rue Saint DenisIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $266.2m
SqreenCyber Securitysqreen.com24 Rue du SentierIIᵉᵐᵉFunding: $18m
Station FAcceleratorstationf.co5 Rue Eugène FreyssinetXIIIᵉᵐᵉ
SundayFintechsundayapp.com81 Rue des Archives3ᵉᵐᵉFunding: $124m
TikTokSocialtiktok.com19 rue PoissonnièreIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
Total Digital FactoryClean Techtotalenergies.com31/33 rue des JeuneursIIᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
VoodooGamingvoodoo.io82 Rue Du Faubourg Saint-MartinXᵉᵐᵉFunding: $516.9m
WeWorkCoWorkingwework.com33 Rue La FayetteIXᵉᵐᵉMarket Cap
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