
Lechi Museum-Beit Yair

The Lehi Museum, also known as Beit Yair, is placed in the house where the Lehi commander, Avraham Stern (Yair) was assassinated. The museum has two floors and each has its own story. In addition, the offices of the Lehi organization are located on the ground floor, where they are working to preserve and perpetuate the legacy of Lehi. The museum is located at 8 Stern Street in Tel Aviv’s Florentin neighborhood. The museum opened in 1985 and is operated by the Museum Department of the Ministry of Defense. Visit the Museum is a journey to the period before the creation of Israel. It allows authentic observation to the period when Zionist settlement struggled for its survival while learning the history of Zionist settlement through visions and audiovisual represent.


Avraham Stern St 8

Opening Hours

Sunday - Thursday: 08:30-16:00

Current Shows

The apartment where Yair lived in his last days has been preserved with its original furniture and the story of his life, work, achievements and murder are told.

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