
A Fun Day Trip to Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

Beit Lehem Haglilit is a small town located in the north of Israel, famous for its spice market, which is a must-visit destination for foodies and travelers looking for an authentic taste of the Middle East. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, a day trip to the Beit Lehem Haglilit Spice Market promises to be a fun and flavorful experience.

Tel Aviv-Jaffa Antiquities

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

This museum is an amazing piece of history. The building itself is from the Ottoman Empire, and is built on top of a Crusader fortress. Because of this, it displays two forms of art: ancient archeology, and contemporary artwork. Admire the amazing archeological feats of the Ottomans, while simultaneously appreciating more contemporary work.

Leyvik House-Israeli Center for Yiddish Culture

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

The waves of various “aliyah”s brought with them many more artists, and what is known as the “Yiddishe schrayber mishpokhe” (the Yiddish writers’ family) grew bigger and more influential. Many of them are our forefathers, the role models who laid these foundations and about whom we will tell on this site.

The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

The museum presents Israel’s national treasures of nature, selected from a scientific collection of five and a half million items. In its exhibitions you will see thousands of items gathered through the years, in rare exhibits and displays that tell the story of the natural world around us.

The mission of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History at Tel Aviv University is to inspire acquisition of knowledge, to promote understanding, and to reinforce our bonds with nature and our place within it – for the benefit of future generations.

The museum reveals scientific knowledge from research taking place within the museum itself and unique perspectives in an experiential, multi-sensory and enjoyable way, creating a special closeness and interaction with nature that cannot be experienced anywhere else.

The Yitzhak Rabin Center The Israeli Museum

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

The museum at the Yitzhak Rabin Center tells the story of Israel, from the emerging settlement in the years
The 20th until the assassination of the prime minister, from the big events to the small moments. This is a story about a dream and fulfillment, construction and creation, disputes and decisions, a break, and hope for dialogue and a better shared future.

The Palmach House

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

The Museum building stands on a hill in Old Jaffa and constitutes an architectural pearl and a work of art in itself with its unique view of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ilana Goor

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

The Museum building stands on a hill in Old Jaffa and constitutes an architectural pearl and a work of art in itself with its unique view of the Mediterranean Sea.

Jewish National Fund Museum

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

At the KKL-JNF Museum and Educational center in Tel Aviv, you can watch how the fascinating story of the development of the State of Israel unfolds…

Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

Tel Aviv Museum of Art — Israel’s first art museum, founded in 1932 — is a leading and influential institution dedicated to the preservation and display of modern and contemporary art from Israel and abroad. The Museum is a critical agent for the arts and culture in Israel, offering its visitors a multicultural experience. An active part of the vibrant metropolis, it is a must-visit for international and local crowds.

Jabotinsky Institute

Beit Lehem HaGlilit Spice Market:

Ze’ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky (1880 – 1940) was a Zionist leader – the founder of the Revisionist Movement and Betar, a writer, poet, publicist and translator. He was born in Odessa, Russia on October 18th, 1880 and was given a liberal education with little formal Jewish education. At the age of 18, he left to study law in Italy and Switzerland, while serving as a correspondent in these countries for notable Russian journals. His writings – some signed under the penname “Altalena” – granted him a reputation as an accomplished writer in the Russian language. While in Italy he leaned towards liberalism and hoped that in the future it will be adopted by all mankind.

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