
Ben Gurion House

Ben Gurion House:

The house was expanded in 1946, and renovated again in 1960. The house served as the permanent home of Paula and David Ben-Gurion until they settled in Sde Boker. Then it was used as their home, alternately, with their barracks in Sde Boker, until the death of David Ben-Gurion in 1973.
Since 1974, the house has been opened to the public and displays original items that highlight landmarks in the period before the establishment of the state and in the years after, illuminating chapters in the vision and legacy of David Ben-Gurion.

Bialik House

Ben Gurion House:

The house of the national poet, Haim Nahman Bialik, one of Tel Aviv’s most authentic and beautiful houses.
The castle like house was built in 1924, upon Bialik’s arrival at the Land of Israel, and was the city’s spiritual and cultural center. The magnificent architecture, the inner decoration and its authentic preservation, the strict matching of colours and the garden, nourished by the poet himself, all induced a stately atmosphere befitting the poet’s residence.

What’s at the site: a visit combining an aesthetic, sensory and intellectual experience. Once can see a combination of architectural styles, works of art from the poet’s private collection, authentic furniture, a rich library and a new permanent exhibition which illuminates Bialik’s image with the full richness of his creation and cultural activity.

For the general public: pre coordinated guidance: the Bialik House Education and Guidance Department offers a rich variety of tours and activities, suited for different age groups, from kindergarten children to high school pupils and adults. During the visit the children are introduced to Bialik’s personal and creative world, his poems and stories. The children are exposed to the sources of his inspiration and to his activities in the field of Hebrew culture through various experiential activities: a shadow theatre, music, letter and word games, creative processes and writing poems. The guidance places an emphasis on Bialik’s role in the revival of the Hebrew language. During the adult tour the visitors are exposed to Bialik’s creation, thinking and his entire activity as the architect of Hebrew culture. The visit to the house also provides a new and current perspective on Bialik’s figure, and includes a discussion which examines the meaning of his creation as a basis for understanding Israeli -Hebrew culture today.

For children: the children’s room offers the possibility to listen to Bialik’s poems and stories as well to read the various children literature which he translated and enjoy the illustrations in his books.

Shalom Aleichem House

Ben Gurion House:

After the death of Sholem Aleichem, his personal archive was inaccessible in one of the banks in America. Berkowitz did not quite like that, and he wanted the archive to be located close to him, and he was an Israeli writer. The archive moved here. They appealed to donors and collected enough funds for the construction of this institution here. Since then, it has been an archive for Sholem Aleichem and Berkowitz, an archive of everything that was written about them, a library, an exhibition hall, and a publishing division.

New Exhibition by David Adika

Ben Gurion House:

More than a photography exhibition, Of David. A psalm, is an exhibition about photography. By photographing fellow photographers, Adika explores the passion to photograph and the exchange of gaze between the photographer and his subjects. He examines questions of representation and aesthetics, while raising thoughts about the body, society, and community as well as the ways we perceive photographs. 

Gathering of Birds

Ben Gurion House:

Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel Aviv Museum of Art New Exhibition :Tel Aviv Museum of Art Shira Zelwer’s installation Gathering of Birds presents close to 400 birds standing still on the gallery floor – like a moment frozen in […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tel Aviv, the Canine Edition

Ben Gurion House:

Dogs play a major part in the life of Tel Avivians. Have you ever noticed how many dogs there are in the city? Tel Aviv is a dog lovers’ paradise with over 50 dog parks in the city, alongside dog beaches, spas, day-cares, speciality boutiques, and even restaurants catering to our favorite 4 legged friends! We see all sorts of dog breeds running around Tel Aviv from a petite Dutch Dodges, massive Bordeaux dogs, to the ever present little Shih-Tzu.

The Gordon Pool & Sports Club

Ben Gurion House:

Gordon Pool Gordon Pool tel Aviv Gordon Pool tel Aviv Gordon Pool tel Aviv Gordon Pool tel Aviv Gordon Pool tel Aviv Gordon Pool tel Aviv Lifestyle Lifestyle Lifestyle Lifestyle Lifestyle Lifestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle Tel Aviv LIfestyle telavivian telavivian telavivian telavivian telavivian […]

Independence Park

Ben Gurion House:

Independence Park Independence Park is a park in Tel Aviv, Israel located along the coast and around the Hilton Tel Aviv. Historically, it was used as a place for cruising and anonymous sex between men. It was renovated by landscape architect Zvi Dekel. Nothing to do with Independence Hall on the other side of town, this beautiful seafront park is great […]

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