Off of a the main street in the beating heart of the Florentine quarter, in a small alleyway, behind a school, 80’s bossa nova can be heard. Not sure I was in the right place, I asked a tall handsome chef proudly sporting a gingy mohican, if that was place. “That’s THE place” he retorqued. I had arrived late to a surprise birthday dinner… As I quietly sat on on the edge of the table, pretending I had been there the whole time, the waitress, who knew my name, asked me if I ate everything. “I do, very much so”, I replied. The plates started coming, like a Brahms crescendo, culminating in a double desert. All of it, from the sashimi, to the corn leaf encased fish filet, and of course the chocolate parfait, were perfect. That’s not to say that the chef did not challenge us from time to time. My favorite was the almond hummus. A velvety, scrumptions paste with a surprising sweetness that I could not get enough of. We highly recommend trying Burek. It’s an experience and a refreshing addition the culinary scene in Tel Aviv. The dishes are prepared with the highest care and always with a hint of humour and mischief.