In the gigantic artsy space known as Beit Romano, you’ll find an insanely hip bar called Teder that finally settled in this unconventional location — alongside a radio station that streams live music and concerts. Snack on celebrity chef Eyal Shani’s razor-thin pizza with fresh cheese or the vegan alternative, a locally sourced tomato foam. Upstairs from Eyal Shani’s pizza is Romano, where you can try his signature modern Israeli food: straightforward dishes with the best ingredients around. True, most people don’t come for the food, and some would not call it a restaurant at all, but all of that changes once you try the pizza. It is heavenly! In a true hipster tradition, there is no table service, hardly tables at all, the attitude is nonchalant and groovy with a twist of arrogance and a mix of ” too sexy for my pants” type of vibe. But we love it. Delicious pizza, amazing music, and gorgeous people all framed by the crummy yet splendidly vintage beit romano. What more could you ask for. Teder is either the first stop of a long night, sure to put you in the mood for mischief to come, or the last stop for alcohol-absorbing delicious dough. I lo.ve to go for an early drink/snack at the end of a sun-drenched Saturday.