When Numbers Lie !
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
Tel Aviv Real Estate Market Report for March 2022
real estate behaving like oilreal estate behaving like oil
real estate behaving like oil
real estate behaving like oil
real estate behaving like oil
real estate behaving like oil
real estate behaving like oil
Tel Aviv Apartment PricesTel Aviv Apartment Prices
Tel Aviv Apartment Prices
Tel Aviv Apartment Prices
Tel Aviv Apartment Prices
Tel Aviv Apartment Prices
Tel Aviv Apartment Prices
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate ReportQ1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
Q1 2022 Tel Aviv Real Estate Report
tel aviv real estate market in numberstel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate market in numbers
tel aviv real estate pricestel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estate prices
tel aviv real estatetel aviv real estate
tel aviv real estate
tel aviv real estate
tel aviv real estate
tel aviv real estate
tel aviv real estate
2023 Israel real estate numbers2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 Israel real estate numbers
2023 tel aviv real estate2023 tel aviv real estate
2023 tel aviv real estate
2023 tel aviv real estate
2023 tel aviv real estate
2023 tel aviv real estate
2023 tel aviv real estate
housing markethousing market
housing market
housing market
housing market
housing market
housing market
house market 2022house market 2022
house market 2022
house market 2022
house market 2022
house market 2022
house market 2022
housing market priceshousing market prices
housing market prices
housing market prices
housing market prices
housing market prices
housing market prices
housing price indexhousing price index
housing price index
housing price index
housing price index
housing price index
housing price index
home priceshome prices
home prices
home prices
home prices
home prices
home prices
housing priceshousing prices
housing prices
housing prices
housing prices
housing prices
housing prices
the housing marketthe housing market
the housing market
the housing market
the housing market
the housing market
the housing market
median house pricemedian house price
median house price
median house price
median house price
median house price
median house price
house prices risehouse prices rise
house prices rise
house prices rise
house prices rise
house prices rise
house prices rise
houses on the markethouses on the market
houses on the market
houses on the market
houses on the market
houses on the market
houses on the market
housing reporthousing report
housing report
housing report
housing report
housing report
housing report
prices risingprices rising
prices rising
prices rising
prices rising
prices rising
prices rising
housing market declinehousing market decline
housing market decline
housing market decline
housing market decline
housing market decline
housing market decline
median home pricesmedian home prices
median home prices
median home prices
median home prices
median home prices
median home prices
home prices risinghome prices rising
home prices rising
home prices rising
home prices rising
home prices rising
home prices rising
housing market reporthousing market report
housing market report
housing market report
housing market report
housing market report
housing market report
market housingmarket housing
market housing
market housing
market housing
market housing
market housing
on the market house priceson the market house prices
on the market house prices
on the market house prices
on the market house prices
on the market house prices
on the market house prices
housing economyhousing economy
housing economy
housing economy
housing economy
housing economy
housing economy
housing numbershousing numbers
housing numbers
housing numbers
housing numbers
housing numbers
housing numbers
homes in israelhomes in israel
homes in israel
homes in israel
homes in israel
homes in israel
homes in israel
the house marketthe house market
the house market
the house market
the house market
the house market
the house market
a house hasa house has
a house has
a house has
a house has
a house has
a house has
a house has aa house has a
a house has a
a house has a
a house has a
a house has a
a house has a
home prices declinehome prices decline
home prices decline
home prices decline
home prices decline
home prices decline
home prices decline
israel house pricesisrael house prices
israel house prices
israel house prices
israel house prices
israel house prices
israel house prices
homes markethomes market
homes market
homes market
homes market
homes market
homes market
house price changeshouse price changes
house price changes
house price changes
house price changes
house price changes
house price changes
market homesmarket homes
market homes
market homes
market homes
market homes
market homes
housing mhousing m
housing m
housing m
housing m
housing m
housing m
real house price indexreal house price index
real house price index
real house price index
real house price index
real house price index
real house price index
housing in israelhousing in israel
housing in israel
housing in israel
housing in israel
housing in israel
housing in israel
israel housing marketisrael housing market
israel housing market
israel housing market
israel housing market
israel housing market
israel housing market
home prices indexhome prices index
home prices index
home prices index
home prices index
home prices index
home prices index
real house pricesreal house prices
real house prices
real house prices
real house prices
real house prices
real house prices
housing market changeshousing market changes
housing market changes
housing market changes
housing market changes
housing market changes
housing market changes
house price reporthouse price report
house price report
house price report
house price report
house price report
house price report
housing prices declinehousing prices decline
housing prices decline
housing prices decline
housing prices decline
housing prices decline
housing prices decline
august housing marketaugust housing market
august housing market
august housing market
august housing market
august housing market
august housing market
housing market articleshousing market articles
housing market articles
housing market articles
housing market articles
housing market articles
housing market articles
housing market price indexhousing market price index
housing market price index
housing market price index
housing market price index
housing market price index
housing market price index
housing market risehousing market rise
housing market rise
housing market rise
housing market rise
housing market rise
housing market rise
israel pricesisrael prices
israel prices
israel prices
israel prices
israel prices
israel prices
tel aviv house pricestel aviv house prices
tel aviv house prices
tel aviv house prices
tel aviv house prices
tel aviv house prices
tel aviv house prices
housing declinehousing decline
housing decline
housing decline
housing decline
housing decline
housing decline
housing market numbershousing market numbers
housing market numbers
housing market numbers
housing market numbers
housing market numbers
housing market numbers
housing market economyhousing market economy
housing market economy
housing market economy
housing market economy
housing market economy
housing market economy
home prices inhome prices in
home prices in
home prices in
home prices in
home prices in
home prices in
house prices augusthouse prices august
house prices august
house prices august
house prices august
house prices august
house prices august
tel aviv homestel aviv homes
tel aviv homes
tel aviv homes
tel aviv homes
tel aviv homes
tel aviv homes
house price index reporthouse price index report
house price index report
house price index report
house price index report
house price index report
house price index report
real home price indexreal home price index
real home price index
real home price index
real home price index
real home price index
real home price index
in the housing marketin the housing market
in the housing market
in the housing market
in the housing market
in the housing market
in the housing market
changes in housing marketchanges in housing market
changes in housing market
changes in housing market
changes in housing market
changes in housing market
changes in housing market
home market pricehome market price
home market price
home market price
home market price
home market price
home market price
house of markethouse of market
house of market
house of market
house of market
house of market
house of market
israel house price indexisrael house price index
israel house price index
israel house price index
israel house price index
israel house price index
israel house price index
tel aviv housingtel aviv housing
tel aviv housing
tel aviv housing
tel aviv housing
tel aviv housing
tel aviv housing
home prices in israelhome prices in israel
home prices in israel
home prices in israel
home prices in israel
home prices in israel
home prices in israel
house market rateshouse market rates
house market rates
house market rates
house market rates
house market rates
house market rates
housing market augusthousing market august
housing market august
housing market august
housing market august
housing market august
housing market august
change in housing marketchange in housing market
change in housing market
change in housing market
change in housing market
change in housing market
change in housing market
housing market inhousing market in
housing market in
housing market in
housing market in
housing market in
housing market in
august house pricesaugust house prices
august house prices
august house prices
august house prices
august house prices
august house prices
housing market and economyhousing market and economy
housing market and economy
housing market and economy
housing market and economy
housing market and economy
housing market and economy
economy housing marketeconomy housing market
economy housing market
economy housing market
economy housing market
economy housing market
economy housing market
rising housing marketsrising housing markets
rising housing markets
rising housing markets
rising housing markets
rising housing markets
rising housing markets
median housingmedian housing
median housing
median housing
median housing
median housing
median housing
house in markethouse in market
house in market
house in market
house in market
house in market
house in market
real home pricesreal home prices
real home prices
real home prices
real home prices
real home prices
real home prices
housing prices inhousing prices in
housing prices in
housing prices in
housing prices in
housing prices in
housing prices in
house prices are risinghouse prices are rising
house prices are rising
house prices are rising
house prices are rising
house prices are rising
house prices are rising
home price reporthome price report
home price report
home price report
home price report
home price report
home price report
index for housing marketindex for housing market
index for housing market
index for housing market
index for housing market
index for housing market
index for housing market
market price housingmarket price housing
market price housing
market price housing
market price housing
market price housing
market price housing
house price ratehouse price rate
house price rate
house price rate
house price rate
house price rate
house price rate
housing segmenthousing segment
housing segment
housing segment
housing segment
housing segment
housing segment
housing market home priceshousing market home prices
housing market home prices
housing market home prices
housing market home prices
housing market home prices
housing market home prices
home house priceshome house prices
home house prices
home house prices
home house prices
home house prices
home house prices
number of houses on the marketnumber of houses on the market
number of houses on the market
number of houses on the market
number of houses on the market
number of houses on the market
number of houses on the market
median price housemedian price house
median price house
median price house
median price house
median price house
median price house
august home pricesaugust home prices
august home prices
august home prices
august home prices
august home prices
august home prices
home price markethome price market
home price market
home price market
home price market
home price market
home price market
housing in israel priceshousing in israel prices
housing in israel prices
housing in israel prices
housing in israel prices
housing in israel prices
housing in israel prices
market for homesmarket for homes
market for homes
market for homes
market for homes
market for homes
market for homes
housing market price declinehousing market price decline
housing market price decline
housing market price decline
housing market price decline
housing market price decline
housing market price decline
which house priceswhich house prices
which house prices
which house prices
which house prices
which house prices
which house prices
house prices and the economyhouse prices and the economy
house prices and the economy
house prices and the economy
house prices and the economy
house prices and the economy
house prices and the economy
market housing ratesmarket housing rates
market housing rates
market housing rates
market housing rates
market housing rates
market housing rates
median home price indexmedian home price index
median home price index
median home price index
median home price index
median home price index
median home price index
august housingaugust housing
august housing
august housing
august housing
august housing
august housing
housing market in declinehousing market in decline
housing market in decline
housing market in decline
housing market in decline
housing market in decline
housing market in decline
house price rise indexhouse price rise index
house price rise index
house price rise index
house price rise index
house price rise index
house price rise index
house market economyhouse market economy
house market economy
house market economy
house market economy
house market economy
house market economy
official house price indexofficial house price index
official house price index
official house price index
official house price index
official house price index
official house price index
house market 2023house market 2023
house market 2023
house market 2023
house market 2023
house market 2023
house market 2023
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only
A Tale of Two Cities , Charles Dickens (1859)
Are you curious about the state of the housing market? The latest data shows that dwelling prices have increased by a modest 0.3% between October and November 2022 compared to the previous month. But the real story lies in the year-over-year comparison, with prices skyrocketing a whopping 18.8%!
But don’t just take our word for it, check out the figures below to see the bimonthly changes in the dwelling price index over the past 12 months. You’ll notice that after a period of rapid growth, there has been a moderation in the rate of annual price increase. In fact, there was even a brief period of decline in 2018. The curve then turned hyperbolic, very much like the 2021 TESLA share price. But the analogy stops there. Despite tightening monetary policy, interest hikes, the meltdown of the high tech sector and the cratering value of once admired unicorn companies such as Pagaya , now looking more like Sancho’s Dapple than Alexander’s bucephalus.
The data we do not have yet though, without which the complete story cannot be told, is the volume of transactions. Those would number would paint another story altogether. With transaction down over 50% from the year before, any other rational market would have reeled. But that is not the case in Israel, just yet. The endemic supply dearth, exacerbated by the virtual disappearance of willing sellers, only adds to the phenomenon and the baffling continuing rise in prices.
Note that the significant previous moderation in the rate of annual price increase began in 2016 to the point of price decline in the last three quarters of 2018.
Growing Regional Wealth Gap
Well, the data shows that prices have varied between districts with Jerusalem seeing a 2.4% increase, Northern experiencing a 0.9% decrease, and Haifa seeing a 1.9% increase. See below for a breakdown of the price changes by district. The North, the South and the Center have already shown signs of capitulation. These are also the areas where the largest amount of land was released by the government for construction of residential units. Jerusalem and Haifa however show no sign of slowing down. Tel Aviv seems to be stabilizing at an average of 1% monthly increase.
New vs. Old
And what about new dwellings prices you might be wondering? Well, there’s a bit of a mixed bag. Prices for new dwellings decreased by 0.9% between October and November 2022, but when looking at the same period last year, prices have skyrocketed by 22.4%. Check out Figure 4 for a visual representation of the evolution of the dwelling price index vs. new dwelling price index over the recent three years. So whether you’re in the market to buy or just curious about the state of the housing market, our data has got you covered.
Prices of new dwellings increased by 22.4% with respect to the prices in the same period
last year, i. e., October 2022 – November 2022 compared to October 2021 – November
2021. Recent numbers however show a softening of the prices of new constructions. As expected, in light of the increased interest rates and the ensuing dried up liquidity, some promoters have had to accept lower offers.
In short, the latest compilation of real estate data are still depicting a very very strong market and again prove that the sheer resilience of the owners is defying all economic logic.
It should be noted however that the Israel Central Bank was one of the first to slow down the increase in the interest rates and banks have been outrageously (criminally one might even say) slow in passing through the interest rates increase down to the retail APR's, depriving homeowners from any alternative to holding their real estate.